Senate Democrats

December 2013
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Day December 19, 2013

Roll Call Vote on Cloture on the Mayorkas nomination

11:38pm The Senate began a 15-minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #456, Alejandro Mayorkas, of the District of Columbia, to be Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security. Invoked: 55-45


Roll Call Vote on the Motion to Concur with respect to NDAA

11:14pm The Senate began a 15-minute roll call vote on the Motion to concur in the House message to accompany H.R.3304, the National Defense Authorization Act. Agreed to: 84-15


Consent Agreement on Nominations; 2 roll call votes at 11:14pm; 6 roll call votes at 10:15am Friday

The Senate has reached an agreement with respect to several nominations.  Under the unanimous consent agreement, there will be 2 roll call votes at 11:14pm this evening, 6 roll call votes at 10:00am Friday and one roll call vote at a time to be determined on Monday, January 6th.  The details of the agreement are…


Statement by Senator Harry Reid on Republicans Obstructing Unemployment Insurance Extension

Washington, D.C. –  Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement today: “Republicans owe an apology to the more than one million Americans whose unemployment insurance will expire due to Republican gridlock and obstruction. In the past, Democrats and Republicans have worked together to extend unemployment insurance for those still looking for work. Sadly, Republicans have now decided…


Roll Call Vote on Cornyn motion to table motion to concur with an amendment re: NDAA

3:29pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the Cornyn motion to table the Reid motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.3304, National Defense Authorization Act; Not Tabled: 45-55


Cornyn request to withdraw Reid motion to concur with an amendment in order to call up call up Fort Hood amendment

Senator Cornyn asked unanimous consent to set aside the pending motion to concur with Reid #2552 amendment in order to make a motion to concur with Cornyn amendment #2606 (to provide for the award of medals for members of the Armed Forces and civilian employees of the Department of Defense who were killed or wounded…


Cornyn objects to passing 3 month extension of unemployment insurance extension

Senator Reed (RI) asked unanimous consent the Senate take up and pass Calendar #265, S.1845, a bill to extend unemployment insurance benefits for 3 months.   Senator Cornyn asked that the request be modified that that all pending cloture motions on Executive nominations be withdrawn, and that the Senate proceed to the immediate consideration of…


Recess from 12:45pm until 2:15pm–roll call vote expected at 3:15pm

The Senate will recess from 12:45pm until 2:15pm. The time will count against post-cloture debate on NDAA.   The time from 2:15 until 2:35pm will be controlled by the Majority Leader, or his designee, and the time from 2:35pm until 3:15pm will be controlled by the Republican Leader, or his designee.   At 3:15pm, we…


Senate has resumed consideration of the House Message on H.R.3304, NDAA, post-cloture–2 votes at 11:14pm expected

The Senate has resumed consideration of the House Message on H.R.3304, the National Defense Authorization Act, post-cloture. If all time is used, at approximately 11:14pm tonight the Senate will proceed to a roll call vote on the motion to concur in the Senate amendment to the House amendment to H.R.3304, NDAA (passage).   As a…


Reid Remarks On The Defense Authorization Bill, Nominations

“For more than 50 years in a row the United States Senate has passed the National Defense Authorization Act. This year will not be the exception. This tradition indicates the respect and gratitude with which the members of this institution regard the members of our military.”  “The Senate will finish its work – our constitutional…
