
I support an all-of-the above energy policy and am committed to reducing the U.S.’ dependency on foreign sources of oil. We cannot rely on unstable regions of the world to supply our energy. This is a matter of national security.  The development of new drilling techniques and the discovery of huge domestic reserves of oil and natural gas have opened up the possibility that America can once again be energy independent.  There was a time when America led the world in energy production, and we can do it again if the federal government gets out of the way and stops forcing us to be dependent on the Middle East and Venezuela for our energy. 

The US must explore all alternatives to eliminate our foreign energy dependence, including developing wind, solar, nuclear and other practical energy alternatives.  Development of all sources of domestic energy will not only lead us to energy independence, but it will create jobs and wealth here in the United States. 

I also believe that the U.S. should form a long term energy partnership with our neighbors Mexico and Canada.  By taking practical steps such as building the Keystone XL pipeline, increased drilling for oil and natural gas both offshore and on land, and through increased use of all forms of renewable energy, it is entirely possible that North America could be completely energy independent.   Achieving this goal would mean that the United States would no longer have to rely on unfriendly countries for our energy needs, and that we will be able to take care of ourselves right here in North America.  This is not only a energy issue, it is a issue of national security.  I will continue to push for a energy policy that leads us towards this goal.

To receive further information on my involvements in this or other issues currently before Congress, please sign up for my e-newsletters by visiting my sign-up page.

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