WASHINGTON - Congressman John B. Larson (CT-01) released the following statement on the vote tonight to raise the debt ceiling:

‪"President Obama is the first president in our history to have our nation’s fiscal health held hostage by an ideological minority.  Elections have consequences, which we’ve seen all too clearly over the last month.  In the face of a minority who insisted on their crusade to end Medicare and balance the budget on the backs of working families and seniors, President Obama has been Horatio at the bridge. 

‪"While I voted twice recently to raise the debt ceiling and would not have allowed the nation to default, I cannot explain in good conscience to seniors, to students, and to working families why it is that the bond sellers always get paid while they – the heart of our nation - continue to be squeezed.  ‪

‪"That’s why I cast a no vote tonight.

‪"What otherwise has been a very difficult time was made hopeful by the appearance of Gabrielle Giffords on the Floor and her amazing courage."
