Committee on Science and Technology
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Legislative Highlights :: July 30, 2009

To establish a research, development, and technology demonstration program to improve the efficiency of gas turbines used in combined cycle power generation systems

H.R. 3029

Bill Summary and Status

Passed the House on December 1, 2009.

Reported (as amended) by the Full Committee on July 29, 2009

Cleared the Energy and Environment Subcommittee on July 21, 2009 

Introduced in the House on June 24, 2009



(a)    Instructs the Secretary of Energy to carry out a program of research, development, and technology demonstration to improve the efficiency of gas turbines and to identify the technologies with the potential to improve efficiency of 65%.

(b)    Outlines the program elements to include engineering and design activities in high temperature materials, heat transfer, manufacturing technology, combustion technology, controls and systems integration, compressor technology, and validation facilities. Calls for technology demonstrations on multiple scales, field demonstrations, overall performance assessments.

(c)    States the goals of the program to be, in Phase I, the design, development and demonstration of gas turbine technologies with efficiency of at least 62%; and in Phase II, design of gas turbine technologies with efficiency of at least 65%

(d)   Calls for applicants to emphasize the extent to which proposals will stimulate job creation or retention in the U.S, and promote U.S. technological leadership.

(e)   Specifies that funding shall be on a competitive basis with an emphasis on technical merit.

(f)     Specifies that cost-sharing requirements will be in accordance with Section 988 of Energy Policy Act of 2005.

(g)    Limits participation to companies that are U.S-owned, or owned by a parent entity organized under the laws of a country that affords the U.S. similar rights. 

(h)   Authorizes $65 million per year for the fiscal years 2011 through 2014

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