Committee on Science and Technology
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Legislative Highlights :: March 26, 2009

International Science and Cooperation Act of 2009

H.R. 1736

Bill Summary and Status

Passed the House on June 8, 2009.

Reported (as amended) by the Full Committee on April 29, 2009

Cleared the Research and Science Education Subcommittee on March 31, 2009 

Introduced in the House on March 26, 2009



The International Science and Technology Cooperation Act of 2009.


Establishes a committee under the National Science and Technology Council to --

  • Plan and coordinate international S&T research and education activities and partnerships across the Federal agencies and work with other NSTC committees to help plan the international component of national S&T priorities;
  • Establish priorities and policies for aligning, as appropriate, international S&T partnerships with the foreign policy goals of the United States;
  • Identify opportunities for new international S&T partnerships that advance both the science and technology and the foreign policy priorities of the United States.
  • Solicit input from non-federal S&T stakeholders;
  • Work with foreign counterparts (in coordination with the Department of State) to establish and maintain S&T partnerships; and
  • Address broad issues that influence the ability of U.S. scientists to collaborate with foreign counterparts, including barriers to collaboration.

Requires that the committee be co-chaired by senior officials from OSTP and the Department of State. Finally, requires an annual report to Congress with a description of activities carried out in the previous fiscal year and of how stakeholder input was received.

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