In The News

Jul 12, 2012

CNS News: House Conservatives to Boehner: Defund Obamacare Now

On Wednesday, at least 80 House Republicans so far have signed a letter calling upon Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and the House GOP leaders to halt any future funding of the health care law given that the House controls most appropriations.

Jun 11, 2012

Cath News USA: Catholic lawmaker seeks colleagues’ support for HHS mandate suits

A Catholic congressman from Louisiana is organizing an effort to have lawmakers file legal briefs in favor of lawsuits against the Obama administration’s controversial contraception mandate. “It’s one way that members of Congress can get involved,” said Rep. Jeff Landry (R-La.).

May 18, 2012

USA Today: Some Tea Party freshmen still adjusting to D.C. politics

USA TODAY interviewed ...Tea Party-supported freshmen in Congress to gauge how they were transitioning from their 2010 campaigns, where they promised to change Washington, to actual governing in D.C.

May 9, 2012 | The Hill

The Hill: Conservatives criticize GOP bill to replace automatic cuts

House conservatives will be holding their noses as they vote for legislation to replace defense cuts slated for 2013 on Thursday, with one member denouncing the bill as a piece of “election-year grandstanding.” ...Several conservatives who opposed the 2011 debt-limit hike say they will likely support the legislation Thursday, but they first delivered a bitter message to their party’s leadership: We told you so.

Feb 1, 2012

The Washington Times: MILLER: Tea Party on the Hill

House Republican freshmen have been in Washington for a year, but they haven’t become part of the established order. ...They believe fiscal responsibility begins with their own office budget.

Sep 6, 2011

USA Today: GOP freshmen return, resume effort to roll back regulations

After the summer's red-hot battles over the nation's debt ceiling, Republican freshmen return to the nation's capital Wednesday emboldened for one of the fights that could dominate the fall: repealing environmental and labor rules Republican leaders say have stymied hiring.

Aug 4, 2011

The Washington Times: MILLER: Tea Party blocks Obama appointees

Anti-business liberals aren’t going to sneak their way into powerful administration positions this summer. Recess appoinments are a traditional method used by the White House - under both parties - to fill government slots without Senate confirmation.

Mar 2, 2011

Weekly Standard: Tea Party Caucus Meets

Rep. Michele Bachmann’s House Tea Party Caucus held its first meeting on Monday. About 30 members showed up, according to an article in the Hill. The meeting reportedly focused on budget-related issues, including whether to support raising the debt ceiling: “Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.)…said there was discussion of tying any vote to raise the debt limit to a serious concession from House Democrats – a vote on a constitutional balanced-budget amendment, for example.” The Hill goes on: “Fewer than a dozen Republican freshmen have joined the House Tea Party Caucus, so far – a relatively...

Jan 5, 2011

Fox News: The Dawn of a New Congress

Washington, Jan 5 - On November 2, 2010 the American people voted to usher in a new Congress and a new way of doing business in Washington. Under Nancy Pelosi’s Speakership the Republican minority and the American people witnessed Democrats pushing through devastating changes that affected Wall Street and Main Street. -- We saw the debt grow from $8.67 trillion to almost $14 trillion. Bills were introduced in the dark of night without the transparency that was promised. Now a new majority is taking the reins and it’s time for action. We need to rollback Pelosi’s furthest-reaching...

Jul 22, 2010

The Hill: Caucus to listen to Tea Party, not lead it

Congress has strayed from the fundamental principles of the Constitution and Americans have noticed. Your federal government is recklessly overspending and vastly expanding its reach and powers the likes this country has never seen. More than a year ago, Tea Party groups started springing up all over the country. Their members cried for adherence to the Constitution and they looked for lawmakers to listen. I formed the Tea Party Caucus here in the House to serve as a means for everyday Americans to express their views to Members of Congress. Congressmen will not be setting the rules;...
