
In addition to his legislative duties on the Foreign Affairs and Homeland Security Committees, Bill also serves as a member of several Congressional Caucuses, which are groups of Members committed to advancing particular policy objectives or supporting shared principles.


Bipartisan, Bicameral Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease:  Members of this caucus strive to improve the lives of those affected by Alzheimer’s with increased research and funding and critical support to their families and caregivers.


Coalition for Autism Research and Education (C.A.R.E.):  This caucus is committed to increasing awareness of autism and pursuing legislation that will increase research in and treatment for the disease.


Congressional Addiction, Treatment and Recovery Caucus:  This bipartisan caucus was formed to raise awareness about addiction and support policies involving addiction recovery.


Congressional Arthritis Caucus: This caucus serves as a forum for Members who support arthritis awareness in communities across the country.


Congressional Caucus on Prescription Drug Abuse: The common goal of Members of this caucus is a multi-tiered solution toward drug abuse, incorporating treatment, prevention, law enforcement and research.



Congressional Coast Guard Caucus:  Members of this caucus often have Coast Guard stations in their district and support a strong, well-equipped Coast Guard to protect our waterways.


Congressional Diabetes Caucus: This caucus supports legislation that would improve diabetes research, education and treatment.


Congressional Fire Services Caucus: Currently the largest caucus in Congress, the bipartisan Members strive to improve policies that benefit first responders.


Congressional Fragile X Caucus:  The mission of this bipartisan caucus is to increase awareness of Fragile X-associated Disorders, which are genetic disabilities that manifest behaviorally and developmentally throughout a person’s life.


Congressional Friends of the Irish National Caucus:  Members of this caucus promote human rights causes in Ireland and oppose anti-Catholic discrimination in Northern Ireland.


Congressional Invisible Wounds Caucus: The goal of this bipartisan caucus is to increase awareness of and solutions for the mental health challenges facing our returning service members and veterans.


Congressional Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Equality Caucus:  This caucus promotes equal rights for LGBT citizens by working to repeal discriminatory laws and eliminate hate-crimes in the country.


Congressional Taiwan Caucus: Members of this caucus supports strengthening the relationship between Taiwan and the United States.


Congressional Task Force on Seniors:  Democratic Members of this caucus recognize the challenges currently facing our country’s senior population, including high prescription drug prices and limited affordable housing, and work to improve the programs seniors have come to rely on.


House Oceans Caucus:  Similar to the Congressional Coast Guard Caucus, the House Oceans Caucus includes Members whose districts are abutted by water and who strive to promote maritime and coastal issues.


House Portuguese Caucus:  This caucus works on legislation that affects Portuguese-Americans.


House Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus:  The mission of this caucus is to promote clean, renewable energy sources as part of our country’s energy portfolio.


Travel & Tourism Caucus:  Members of this caucus advance policies that will support the tourism industry, which is of critical economic importance to many districts throughout the country.