Student Corner

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Congressman Forbes is pleased to offer internships to qualified college students in his Washington DC and district offices. This link will give you more information on candidate requirements and intern responsibilities.

Congressional Arts Competition
Every year Congressman Forbes hosts a Fourth District arts competition for high school students. Winning artwork is displayed in the Capitol building.

Military Academy Nominations
Congressman Forbes is pleased to nominate qualified students to the United States Military Academies. Please follow this link to learn more about the academies and the requirements for nomination.

Congressional Educational Links
Explore the history of Congress and its members and learn more about our legislative process.

Historical Documents
Familiarize yourself with the documents on which our nation was founded.

Student Loan Resources
Determining how to pay for college can be a stressful and difficult process. Use these links to familiarize yourself with the federal resources available as you plan your college education.

The Congressional STEM Competition
This year will mark the first, annual Congressional Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Competition.