Congresswoman Linda Sánchez is holding a “Fan Favorite” Art contest in conjunction with the annual Congressional Arts Competition. Students, their families, and constituents can weigh in, just like the judging panel of local artists, and pick the inaugural "Fan Favorite" winner. The artwork receiving the most Fan Favorite votes will be displayed in a city facility in the winner’s home city or in our district office.

Voting will be open from Wednesday, May 7th through Wednesday, May 14th. Congresswoman Sánchez encourages the artists’ friends, family, classmates, teachers and principals to vote for their “fan favorite” piece of artwork. 

To vote for the Arts Competition Fan Favorite, please complete the below information.

Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

Artist: *
Artwork Name: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email Address: *
Zip: *
Phone: *
         *By clicking submit, you are agreeing to receive periodic updates from my office.