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ACTION ALERT: immigration
Posted by Randy | December 03, 2014

Tomorrow, the House is expected to vote on the Executive Amnesty Prevention Act (H.R. 5759). This bill, which I am supporting, affirms that, except within strict constitutional limits, the President does not have the authority to exempt whole categories of persons unlawfully present in the U.S. from removal, or defer from removal, from this country. Any executive action to the contrary is a violation of the law and thus has no legal effect.

I also wanted to be sure you saw the Op-Ed that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte published today on why President Obama’s immigration power grab poses a danger to America. Weigh in with your thoughts on my blog.

December 3, 2014

Obama's immigration power grab a danger to America

By Rep. Bob Goodlatte

President Obama recently declared from the White House that he is effectively rewriting our immigration laws on his own terms. Under his sweeping executive edicts, President Obama has proclaimed that five million unlawful immigrants can live and work here legally, redefined who is a priority for immigration enforcement, and gutted the interior enforcement of our immigration laws. These unilateral actions have created an untold number of consequences, affecting our Republic, the American people, legal immigrants, and the integrity of our immigration system.

President Obama’s decision to recklessly forge ahead with a plan to unilaterally change our immigration laws creates a constitutional crisis.

The Constitution clearly states that it’s Congress’ job to write our laws and the President’s duty to enforce them. Moreover, the Constitution says that “the Congress shall have the Power to … establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization.”

By allowing five million unlawful immigrants to live and work here through executive action, President Obama ignores the limitations placed on his authority and claims legislative power for himself. These actions threaten to unravel our government’s system of checks and balances and imperil individual liberty.

Many of the president’s actions needlessly endanger our communities. President Obama claims he is taking executive action to prioritize immigration enforcement to focus on criminal aliens, yet the loopholes contained in the Obama administration’s new enforcement priority guidelines ensure that no one is actually a guaranteed priority for removal.

Due to the ambiguous and unworkable language in the administration’s guidelines, criminal aliens such as terrorists, gang members, drug traffickers, drunk drivers, sexual abusers, and other felons could stay here if there are “compelling or exceptional factors” – or in some instances, simply “factors” – warranting their release.

And the recklessness doesn’t just end there. President Obama has scrapped a congressionally-mandated tool that identifies criminal aliens booked in jails across the United States so that federal law enforcement officials can prioritize their removal.

Secure Communities, created in 2008, is a simple and successful program to identify criminal aliens once arrested and jailed. It protects Americans from public safety threats and those who could be a danger to their communities. Instead of continuing to utilize this successful existing system that is required and appropriated by Congress, the Obama administration will implement a new, untested program called the “Priorities Enforcement Program.”

Under the new screening program, the Obama administration ignores some of its own enforcement priorities for the purposes of processing aliens for removal and turns a blind eye to most unlawful immigrants booked in jails across the United States. Additionally, the Obama administration permits sanctuary city policies by effectively leaving states and localities with the choice of whether or not to comply with the federal government’s requests for notification about criminal aliens booked in their jails.

President Obama’s new legalization program for unlawful immigrants also unfairly punishes legal immigrants playing by the rules and seeking to come to the U.S. the right way.

As U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services shifts attention and resources to the processing of applications for unlawful immigrants, legal immigrants will face longer wait times for their petitions to be processed. This was true under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which has allowed over 600,000 unlawful immigrants to stay here so far.

With over five million unlawful immigrants standing to benefit from President Obama’s new executive decree, legal immigrants will only face longer wait times, even though they’ve already paid the fees to have their applications processed.

Furthermore, President Obama’s actions open the floodgates to another wave of illegal immigration.

In the past, our nation has witnessed the surge in illegal immigration that comes when amnesty is promised and the enforcement of our immigration laws is ignored. This was true after the 1986 immigration overhaul and the implementation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in the summer of 2012, which encouraged hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied minors, family units, and adults to flood our borders.

Ironically, although President Obama has stated in the past that these individuals will be sent home, under his new enforcement priorities, if they came here before January 1, 2014 – which many of them did – they will likely be able to stay.

Additionally, since the Obama administration has not deemed immigration-related crimes a priority for enforcement – such as identity theft, document fraud, and refusing to comply with removal orders – this sends the message that breaking our immigration laws and committing crimes that often follow illegal entry are permissible. Collectively, the president’s actions undermine the integrity of our immigration system.

I, and many other members of Congress, want to reform our nation’s immigration system. But the president’s decision to act on his own and ignore the enforcement of our immigration laws is not the right way to do it.

These unilateral immigration actions are a danger to our Constitution, communities, and immigration system and must be stopped.

The House Judiciary Committee, which has primary jurisdiction over our nation’s immigration laws, will fight President Obama’s unconstitutional actions and will shine light on and correct the Obama administration’s anti-enforcement policies.

Republican Bob Goodlatte represents Virginia's 6th congressional district in the House of Representatives. He is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.


Users are solely responsible for the opinions they post here and their comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Congressman Forbes.
  • roger snodgrass commented on 12/3/2014
    NO to amnesty. Obama's move is that of a dictator. The legislative branch needs to hold the Executive branch accountable for blatant violation of its Oath of office and the Constitution. , no I have a good friend who immigrated to this country from Scotland. he did it the legal way and it is an insult to him and all those like him who have done so in recent time to have this kind of dealings with illegals. by the way he flies one flag and it has fifty white stars, thirteen stripes of red and white and a field of blue. his statement is is that he is an AMERICAN, no hyphenation
  • Chris Rand commented on 12/3/2014
    Presidents of both parties have taken executive actions on immigration before, within the bounds of prosecutorial discretion, which the courts have given them wide latitude on in the past. You don't like it? You've got a few choice: impeach him him he committed high crimes or misdemeanors, which he hasn't, and which you don't have the votes to sustain; sue him, which you'll lose on both standing and the merits of the case; or, pass a bill which can be signed into law, superseding his executive action. There's already a bipartisan bill the passed the senate - give it a vote! The CBO said that the senate bill would add $1T to the economy. Personally, I want my trillion dollars, and you're standing in the way. Stop whining about the president doing something, and try doing something yourself.
  • Ronald Etters commented on 12/3/2014
    Pass H.R. 5759!
  • Mark Test commented on 12/3/2014
    This action by Mr. Obama is ( in my opinion) a blatant disregard of the constitution and way over reaches the legitimate powers of his office. I totally disagree with his actions. As soon as it apparent to congress that it is appropriate , impeachment of the president should be exercised.
  • Lee Pipes commented on 12/3/2014
    Obama should be opposed by every means Congress has at it's disposal. For the sake of the Republic this nakedly unconstitutional power grab of Obama's to grant executive amnesty to illegals in this country needs to be stopped now.
  • Paulette McWaters commented on 12/3/2014
    No country in the free world has a leader so desirous of historical fame to dare to absore thousands of undocumented immigrants. Immigrants to a country flee there to make a better life for themselves. They should be allowed the dignity of earning their citizenship. My great grandparents immigrated from Italy, they paid their way and earned their citizenship. The process can and has worked. All immigrants seek a better future, all are fearful, and want the best for their families. But declaring illegal actions does not credit those who came before, nor does it address the sacrifices of the settlers, slaves, and other immigrants. A true leader would allow a period for registration, promoting a good work ethic, safe environment, and a review of and adoption of our country's culture so that people can EARN citizenship. I have no doubt those who have faced and contunie to face their current challenges could meet any reasonable guidelines suggested. Let's have enough faith in those in the middle to give them the right to work, live, and earn their citizenship.
  • Charles Cash commented on 12/3/2014
    This needs to stop my wife is a Japanese citizen that went thru all legal avenues to be in the United States and we had to pay out a lot of money for her to be here. And Obama is allowing illegals to stay in our country and we will have to support them. That's rediculas and unfair to all Americans and legal aliens that paid their dues. Obama and all that support him need to go.
  • Buck Bryant commented on 12/3/2014
    President Obama is a danger to the USA, its Constitution, and its Citizens! He has shown time and time again that he will do all in his power to move forward with his own agenda which will lead only to a socialist state with him as dictator! It is truly amazing that nothing has been done before now to move forward with his impeachment. His actions to unilaterally change the Immigration Laws of our land by-passing the Legislative Branch of our government using only his Executive power is illegal and MUST BE STOPPED! President Obama needs to be impeached! PLEASE do not let anything stand in your way to move forward with it!
  • Frederick Bravo commented on 12/3/2014
    The several concerns I have are: (1) The illegal immigrants will take jobs away from U.S. citizens. (2) They will cause the U.S. to go further into financial debt by depending upon the social programs available to them. (3) Several illegals will resort to crime to provide for their welfare. I am ANGRY and MAD at the President and the Congress for the deterioration that has occurred to the country. The moral values that once existed are not present within politics. I am at the point of supporting the Tea Party. They do talk and support the morals and values of the past. Wake up Congress. Your time in office is short. If you keep on the current path you will be replaced.
  • Don Bordeaux commented on 12/3/2014
    I would just like to say my wife & I have been standing in line for over 2 years filling out numerous forms, some over and over, and spending thousands of dollars for legal immigration in the USA. We still have years to go filling out more of the same forms and spending more of our dollars! We have no problem with anyone immigrating to America but what makes these people any better than us? Why just this group of people? Is this really about helping immigrants or is it actually about vote buying? Illegal is rewarded while legal stands in the back of the line! Could it be, our votes might actually go to the person best suited for the job of making America great for ALL people? What ever happened to the melting pot? Aren't we all suppose to be Americans? This President is all about dividing the people. Aren't the laws for ALL of the people? Why has this President changed it to just some of the people?
  • Diane Starnes commented on 12/3/2014
    I, too, am afraid the Republican Party will not implement the measures needed to block O'Bama's absolute power controls. Allowing this kind of blank amnesty is one of the worst things that could happen in this country. I like Mr. George Fuller's suggestions about immigration.
  • Anthony Alfano commented on 12/3/2014
    I feel we have a set of laws that govern all of us. The President is not above the law he's suppose to set an example for following our laws as set forth in our Constitution. If he tries to make His own laws then congress should advise him of this infraction and prosecute him accordingly if necessary.
  • James Penney commented on 12/3/2014
    Congressman Forbes: It is time for the Republicans to respond in kind to the resident of the White House. It is time to withhold funding for this imperial decree and if necessary, allow the government to shut down. If this decree is allowed to stand, then he will continue to shred the rule of law upon which this country operates best. He has referred to himself as "a constitutional law professor," but continues to step outside of the limitations on his office for the detriment of the American People in favor of Illegal immigrants. The mainstream press will make hay of any action to de-fund it, but based on what I hear and read outside of the lamestream press - I firmly believe that we have your back Congressman. Time for some action. Your constituents will be watching.
  • James Lennick commented on 12/3/2014
    Immigration reforms is but one of the many atrocities Obama has commited. To name a few, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, Benazi debacle, where four of our citizens murdered, the list goes on. Also, his obsession with race baiting. I say this, if America were racist in 2007 he would never have been elected, and now because of his inability to lead and be truthful, his disdain for America, and the depth to which both parties have decended to have left most all of us wondering how much more can this country tolerate. The question now is 'who can be trusted to carry out our wishes'. So far every politician has lied to get elected and forgotten why they were elected. All we are getting is lip service. We know what is going on, we are watching all of you. It's time to do the right tbing. I know in my heart tha t you know what needs to be done, JUST DO IT AND DO IT NOW. You will get all the support and backing from a grateful American people that you need.634
  • Cleven Rose commented on 12/3/2014
    Congressman Forbes, Thank you again for standing up for the America we believe in. I'm so tired of the repeated, deliberate attempts by this administration to destroy our constitution and turn our federal, state and local governments into liberal lemmings to everyone with a Socialist agenda. Forty years ago, these people would have NEVER had a chance for an office atop the government of the most powerful nation on earth. Now, it seems that they permeate our schools, churches, the news media, Congress, and the White House like a cancer. I'm very glad that we have leaders like you that understand the dismal years ahead that await us if we continue this "grand experiment" of trying to create a Socio-communistic utopia. That can never work in a society where freedom and free markets are prized above all else. Respectfully Yours, Cleven Rose
  • Conrad Haas commented on 12/3/2014
    My grandparents came to this country legally and they did all the necessary steps to become USA citizens. They worked hard, paid taxes and raised two children to be great USA citizens. They EARNED it. Not given, forgiven or otherwise free. Stop this illegal action. On another note, how is it that a child born in the USA to Illegal Aliens can become a citizen? Doesn't the illegal act negate ANY rights from then on?
  • Art Schuetze commented on 12/3/2014
    I totally agree with the comments that George Fuller has made on this blog. At least President Obama took some action. No matter what happens, we will still continue to have this problem as the borders are sieves and enforcement of expired visas is still non-existent. Pass and enforce some comprehensive legislation and enforce it or all is for naught.
  • Stephen Dexter commented on 12/3/2014
    Seems as though Congress has the option of doing the right thing. Pass some legislation to reform immigration. The president acted in the absence of the House even considering the bill passed by the Senate last year. It seems that the Speaker would not bring a bill to the floor unless a majority of Republicans would vote for it. Pure political hogwash.
  • Allen Huckabee commented on 12/3/2014
    Honorable Forbes, I agree with the actions that you are taking and I agree with Mr. Fuller's recommendations as well. Keep up the good fight! Dr. A. Huckabee
  • Allen Huckabee commented on 12/3/2014
    Honorable Forbes, I agree with your actions and I also agree with Mr. Fuller's recommendations. Keep up the good fight!
  • Willie Bowles commented on 12/3/2014
    Why would the American people want illegals to take our JOBS away from us. We can post a lot of reasons, why the American Dream is being Destroyed, but no one in Washington is listening. I truly believe , we have a Dictator and Lame Duck Congress and Senators in DC, not working for the people, but against the People. Why would I give my address, I may be the next one to be picked off. Where is our National Security for our Country. One doesn't know who or what is crossing our Borders. When illegals are more Important than our Veterans, then we as a Country, are in deep Trouble. If u can come to the USA, then u must abide by our Laws, Flag and Constitution. No questions asked. Offend who, this is B.S. Stand Up AMERICA. Fight for Freedom as it is slowly being taken away from us. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
  • Anthony Jenzer commented on 12/4/2014
    George Fuller was one hundred percent on the money, I totally agree!
  • joanne lester-botkin commented on 12/4/2014
    I have HAD IT with Presidential Executive orders. I propose that : 1. Absolutely NO executive order can be made that is in contradiction of OUR constitution. Contrary/questionable edicts are to be weighed and voted on by congress before passage. 2. There should be a LIMIT set on how many E.O.s can be implemented per year by any president. Only in case of national emergency can one be made in excess of this number This will make the executive rethink about dictating orders willy-nilly, or at a whim and halt his power to be a dictator. 3. We have laws on the books regarding immigration. THEY NEED TO BE FOLLOWED. We cannot choose which laws we want to obey or ignore. No grandfathering clauses please. Amnesty is a slap in the face to all those who came here legally. Also get rid of the anchor baby clause. If the children have a problem with this, then they need look no further than their law breaking parents who put them in this position. I know this sounds cruel but respect of our country is first and foremost. Assimilation into OUR culture is what makes a good citizen. If you wish to keep the culture of the "old country" then you need to move back there. Instead of taking from us, form your own militia and take your country back.
  • Pam Williams commented on 12/4/2014
    I hope and pray that you all be able to pass this new bill to stop the President from going further with granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. The Democratic party needs to wake up and do their part in stopping this President. Thank you for all that you do. Sincerely, Pam Williams
  • Sherry Strother commented on 12/4/2014
    I'm not sure what more I can add. The populace who supports upholding the constitution and our country's laws are right on. We cannot let those who hate America dictate to us which laws they will abide by and which they will change to suit their warped ideas. I could not care less what color Obama's skin is, but I do care that under the guise of being called a racist, our elected leaders are letting this administration destroy what so many American military men gave ALL for. Tell me, just what did they die for??? Where are the Statesmen today that will STAND & say NO MORE???
  • Doug Darst commented on 12/4/2014
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