
Press Releases

Rockefeller Statement on White House Big Data Report

May 01 2014

JDR Head ShotWASHINGTON, D.C.—Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV today released the following statement after the White House released a report on big data and privacy.

“The Senate Commerce Committee’s recent investigation of data broker practices showed that large private companies are compiling and selling profiles that label consumers based on economic or other vulnerabilities, and raised concerns about potential harmful uses of these products. The White House report builds on our findings and further highlights the deep and growing concern about how big data could lead to discrimination against consumers in decisions involving their health, housing, employment, or prices charged them. I am especially pleased this report underscores the need for ‘a national conversation on big data, discrimination, and civil liberties’. This conversation is long overdue. We have to come together – industry and government – to implement policies that make sure consumer protections evolve in tandem with advances in big data.”


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