Boehner VIDEO: Not in Our Backyards


“I’ve heard from a number of farmers and small business owners in our area who are concerned about the president’s recent land grab under his proposed Waters of the United States rule,” Rep. Boehner says in this video message to his constituents in the 8th District.

“If the president has his way, the federal government will be able to regulate ditches in our own backyards.

“This will hurt families, farmers, and small businesses everywhere, and food prices will go even higher… So this week, the House is passing a bill to halt the overreach and restore some common sense.

The Waters of the United States Regulatory Overreach Protection Act (H.R. 5078) – sponsored by Reps. Bob Gibbs (R-OH), Steve Southerland (R-FL), and Transportation Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA) – would stop the Obama administration from implementing a proposed rule that gives Washington bureaucrats vast new authority over waters that are safely and effectively regulated at the state and local level.

Below are Boehner’s full remarks:

I’ve heard from a number of farmers and small business owners in our area who are concerned about the president’s recent land grab under his proposed Waters of the United States rule.

If the president has his way, the federal government will be able to regulate ditches in our own backyards. 

This will hurt families, farmers, and small businesses everywhere, and food prices will go even higher.

This couldn’t come at a worse time – we’re paying more for just about everything under the president’s economy.

So this week, the House is passing a bill to halt the overreach and restore some common sense.

This is just one more of our solutions to help lower costs here at home.

To learn more, visit Boehner.House.Gov.

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6 Responses to Boehner VIDEO: Not in Our Backyards

  1. Marie September 9, 2014 at 8:53 pm #

    I am glad to see you are finally doing something, right or wrong. When are you going to quit worrying about getting reelected and DO WHAT THE PEOPLE THAT VOTED FOR YOU WANT AND NEED? Fighting with the Democrats is getting us NO Where! All of Congress needs to take action on all the problems facing us, and not worry about Republicans or Democrats!!!

  2. Tony September 9, 2014 at 9:28 pm #


    It is about time you stop whining and crying all the time about Obama and the rest of Congress. . . . . and do your job that you where elected to do. I don’t care that you want to work as a lobbyist after you leave congress . . . . you weren’t sent there by your constitutes to worry about the future . . . . you have a job to do just do it . . . AND NOW!

  3. Evelyn Faye Miles September 9, 2014 at 9:50 pm #

    Never at age 76 did I think that I would FEAR my president & my Congress. We, the People, are living in tyranny in the United States of America. We are right back to where we were when the people left England due to religious & taxation issues.
    This is the worse president in the history of our country and he is killing all of us in one way or another. He protects Islam / Muslims to the hilt but preaches “political correctness” to us.

    When I was 4 years old in a little town in Pennsylvania, Beallsville, 30 miles from Pittsburgh, we were at war with the Japs & the Nazis. We called the enemy by their name. Obama has us hid behind ISIS, ISIL, INSURGENTS, TERRORISTS, ETC. The enemy has a name. It is – ISLAMIC MUSLIM MILITANTS WHO HAVE VERBALLY AND WITH BEHEADINGS, DECLARED THEIR JIHAID / HOLY WAR UPON US, THE GREAT SATAN. America..

    They are coming after us and it is your job to get this worthless piece of crap our of the White House and save us. Your job is to protect the citizens of America and that is not what is being done. Criminals crossing the border every day under the name of “little children”, etc. The list goes on and on and on. Since 2009, every day, every week, every month, every year, Obama does something to destroy this Country & the freedom loving American people. Currently, we FEAR OUR PRESIDENT & WE FEAR OUR GOVERNMENT. This is not right & none of you are strong enough to “stand up to this Idiot”. Do your jobs, get angry, get bold, speak out and ACT to save our freedom & our Country. God Bless America & God help you as you stand up to this Muslim-loving, mentally DETACHED IDIOT whose goal is to destroy America. We all be going to the polls. And, we are all getting very, very angry with how the American people are getting screwed. Please help us John, please.

  4. Edward R. Blevins September 9, 2014 at 11:42 pm #

    Obama still has two years left to turn our country in to a banana republic,It is time to seal the borders and stop
    the nonsense this so called president has inflicted on us.

  5. Madelyn Campbell September 10, 2014 at 10:15 pm #

    Another two years of Obama and this country will be finished for certain. I am unclear as to why Congress and the Senate have allowed him so much free reign. I agree he is slowly turning this country into a tyranny. I think he is the worst president in American history. I further think Democrats and Republicans are to blame. You are all so consumed with your political careers, no one is listening to the will of the people. The government has over reached it’s authority on so many levels. It has no business in our healthcare, it has no business in our education system and as long as our taxes are paid it darn well has no business in our backyards. The American people are played for fools and puppets only being told what the government wants us to know and having smoke screens thrown up to distract us from the real issues. The economy is a disaster and the government fudging the unemployment numbers is not going to change that. I disagree with Evelyn Faye Miles comment with all do respect to her. I do not fear Obama or the government. I loathe Obama. There is a vast difference. I have no respect for the man and neither does the rest of the world. His lack of leadership, his bold faced lies and double talk, his callous attitude, and so much more have left the rest of the world viewing us as sheep following the lamb to the slaughter. We are supposed to be the greatest nation in the world and yet you can ask many foreigners living here why things are the way they are and that is the response you will get. The blame George Bush has gotten old and redundant. It is time for Mr. Obama to admit he doesn’t have America’s best interest at heart and resign. His perverse defense of the Islamic Muslims and how much they have done for America is not only insulting to Americans in general, but it makes him sound like a complete moron. He had no business pulling the troops out of the Middle East. His arrogance overrides his intellect.

  6. Janet Southern September 14, 2014 at 11:46 am #

    Do not block a clean water bill. The farmers and businesses that you are protecting the rights of are responsible for dumping nitrates and other toxins into our drinking water. Toledo had undrinkable water this summer from algae feed by nitrate run off from the farm fields. The Ohio River intake at Cincinnati had to be shut down because of the chemical spill up river. Bowling Green water comes with a warning every spring from the water company–Do not drink the water if you are elderly or give to children under two years old..again, farm fertilizer run off. The water in Clintonville was undrinkable but “safe” this year. It is a crime that we can not trust our drinking water in this country.

    Your “land grab” is really an attempt to protect our drinking water from the farms and businesses that are polluting it. Protect every citizen with clean water and not just the Factory Farms and Business interests in Ohio.

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