Congressman Boehner Calls on House to Pass Bipartisan Budget Agreement

Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) today called on the whole House to pass the bipartisan budget agreement, calling it a positive step towards addressing our debt and deficits.  Following are his remarks on the House floor:

Let me thank Chairman Ryan and his Senate counterpart, Democrats and Republicans frankly on both sides of the Capitol who have worked hard to bring this agreement together.

My colleagues, I think its pretty simple.  If youre for reducing the budget deficit, then you should be voting for this bill.  If youre for cutting the size of government, you should be supporting this budget.  If youre for preventing tax increases, you should be voting for this budget.  If youre for entitlement reform, you ought to be voting for this budget. 

These are the things I came here to do and this budget does them.

Is it perfect  Does it go far enough  No, not at all.  I think its going to take a lot more work to get our arms around our debt and our deficits.  But this budget is a positive step in that direction.  Its progress.

Its doing what the American people expect us to do, and thats coming together and finding common ground.  Stick to our principles, but find common ground. 

So again, I commend Chairman Ryan and Chairman Murray for their work.  And I urge all my colleagues to vote for this budget.


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