Boehner Column in the Early Bird Newspaper: Ohioans Not Fooled by Hype Machine

Boehner Quote:  As I’ve said many times, the Obama administration can try all it wants to “sell” his disastrous health care law to the American people – but Ohioans aren’t being fooled.  That’s because local businesses, families, and seniors – all of the people who make our area so great – have experienced the broken promises firsthand and recognize that ObamaCare is driving up their health care costs, hurting our economy, and making it harder for small businesses to hire.

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The president’s ObamaCare hype machine recently made its rounds throughout Ohio and across the country – making a stop in Cincinnati to pitch ObamaCare to our local area.

As I’ve said many times, the Obama administration can try all it wants to “sell” his disastrous health care law to the American people – but Ohioans aren’t being fooled.  That’s because local businesses, families, and seniors – all of the people who make our area so great – have experienced the broken promises firsthand and recognize that ObamaCare is driving up their health care costs, hurting our economy, and making it harder for small businesses to hire.

Whether its premium hikes or higher deductibles, you can’t hide the sticker shock from the people who are personally experiencing it, and with many in our local area now receiving information about their 2015 ObamaCare premiums and health care costs, there’s no shortage of local ObamaCare horror stories.

Scott from Fairfield owns Scott’s Awards, Inc., in West Chester and just received his new premium rate that goes into effect Dec. 1, 2014 – he’s facing an increase of 29 percent.  In an e-mail to me, Scott said, “Since 2009 when President Obama took office, my health insurance premiums have increase by 126 percent … Although I am only one, I am sure I speak for all.”

Echoing Scott’s story, Evan from Covington recently wrote to me and shared that his health care costs are increasing by 30 percent.

Remember, it was a report released in August by the Ohio Department of Insurance (ODI) that forewarned of this unfortunate reality.  In that August report, ODI predicted Ohio’s average premiums to increase by 12 percent for individuals and 12 percent for small businesses in 2015, according to approved rates submitted by Ohio health insurance companies.

And all of this comes on the heels of recent comments made by one of the law’s chief architects, Jonathan Gruber, on the deceptive tactics used to ram ObamaCare through the House and Senate.  Learning of this news, perhaps the Columbus Dispatch’s editorial board said it best – describing the law as, simply, “A law built on dishonesty.”

The Dispatch went on to point out that, “Opposition to the law has remained remarkably consistent for five years, ever since it first was introduced in Congress in 2009. Except for a few brief moments, survey after survey has found more Americans opposed to the law than support it.  The dishonesty with which it was foisted on the nation is a primary reason for that abiding disapproval.”

Bearing the consequences of the president’s health care law, I’m not surprised to see the American people express such strong, consistent opposition.  And I’ve made clear that the new, American Congress will honor the American people by focusing, first, on jobs and the economy – including renewing our commitment to repeal ObamaCare.

If you’re a resident of Ohio’s 8th Congressional District and have recently received information about your 2015 ObamaCare premiums and health care costs, I want to hear from you.  Please share your ObamaCare stories with me by visiting or calling 513-779-5400.

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