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Shuster Condemns President Obama for Illegal Prisoner Exchange

WASHINGTON, DC – H. Res. 644 was approved by the House Armed Services Committee on Tuesday with Congressman Shuster’s (R-Hollidaysburg) support. This resolution expresses disapproval of the Obama administration's deliberate failure to comply with the 30-day statutory reporting requirement in releasing the five senior Taliban members on May 31, 2014.  The resolution will now be sent to the full House of Representatives for consideration.

“The United States long-standing policy of not negotiating with terrorists was broken by President Obama, and a dangerous precedent has been set for our enemies across the world,” said Congressman Shuster.  “Our resolution holds the administration accountable for their unlawful actions and makes it clear that not even the President has the authority to ignore the law.”

This resolution is in response to President Obama’s decision to release five Taliban members from detention at Guantanamo Bay on May 31, 2014, without any formal notification to Congress. In releasing these terrorists the President violated Section 1035 of the Fiscal Year 2014 National Defense Authorization Act, which requires the President to notify Congress not later than 30 days before transferring or releasing terrorist detainees from Guantanamo Bay.

“The lawless decisions the president continues to make are unacceptable,” continued Shuster. “We must restore the balance between the branches of our government and rein in his overreaching power.”
