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Sam Johnson: U.S. Congressman, Third District of Texas

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Art Contest


Every year, the United States House of Representatives sponsors the Congressional Art Competition for high school students. Since its establishment in 1982, this competition has brought together amazing student artwork from all over the United States.

High school artists may submit original, two-dimensional pieces for my local competition. All high school students residing in the Third Congressional District of Texas are eligible to enter. I will host an art exhibit and award ceremony in May to display the entries. The first prize entry will be sent to Washington, DC to join artwork from other Congressional Districts for an exclusive unveiling ceremony and then will go on to hang in the tunnel of the United States Capitol for one year.  In April, entries will be displayed on my website for the public to view and vote for their favorite.  The winning artist will receive the People's Choice award. 

Teachers and parents should contact the local office on behalf of students no later than Friday March 21, 2014 to enter the student’s name, hometown and school. The deadline for entries is Monday, March 31, 2014.  If you have any additional questions, please contact Katharyn Johnson of my staff at or by phone at (469) 304-0382.

    Art Competition Student Release Form

    Art Competition Guidelines

    Art Competition Student Application

    Congressional Art Competition Website