Weekly Column

Standing Up For Ohio Energy

Since coming to Washington, I have supported an all-of-the-above energy approach that both protects and promotes Ohio’s energy resources and the jobs that rely on it. This approach will not only continue to create new American jobs, it will strengthen our national security, lower energy prices, and put us on the path toward energy independence. It is critical that we utilize all of our resources, including oil, natural gas, and clean coal, as well as alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, nuclear, and hydropower.

We are fortunate that Ohio is home to an abundance of energy resources that contribute significantly to our state’s economy. According to a recent survey released by the American Petroleum Institute, the oil and natural gas industry contributes $28.4 billion annually to Ohio’s economy and accounts for more than 250,000 jobs with an average salary that is substantially higher than the average annual salary in Ohio. From 2012 to 2013, oil production in Ohio doubled and natural gas production increased by more than 40 percent – evidence that Ohio is a leader in energy development.

In addition to its oil and natural gas production, Ohio produces 24 million tons of coal per year and uses it to generate nearly 70 percent of our state’s electricity. This affordable, reliable natural resource is an important element of our domestic energy supply, supporting more than 550,000 jobs throughout the country, including thousands in Ohio.

Because thousands of Ohioans’ livelihoods rely on the energy industry, advancing legislation that unleashes the power of American energy, promotes safe and responsible production of our state’s resources, and ensures that Ohioans have access to affordable and reliable electricity has always been a priority of mine.

That is why I was proud to support the American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs and More American Jobs Act, a package of bills passed by the House of Representatives earlier this month. This legislation will promote efficient technologies to harness energy production, lower the cost of energy, and prevent the Obama Administration from creating new job-killing regulations. One of the bills, the Northern Route Approval Act, allows the construction of the Keystone Pipeline, which will create nearly 20,000 jobs and bring down the cost of energy. Another bill, the Lowering Gas Prices to Fuel an America That Works Act, removes federal government barriers that block production of U.S. energy sources offshore and expands onshore American energy production by streamlining regulations. The Preventing Government Waste and Protecting Coal Mining Jobs in America, authored by fellow Ohioan Rep. Bill Johnson, prevents the Administration from developing regulations that will lead to the closure of Ohio coal plants. Lastly, the Electricity Security and Affordability Act will protect reliable energy resources by reining in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs and More American Jobs Act is important to Ohio’s economy; it is critical that the Senate acts on it to ensure that energy production and the jobs supported by it are not only protected, but have the opportunity to grow.

If you have any questions or if our office can be of assistance to you, please don't hesitate to call us at our Wadsworth office: (330) 334-0040, Parma office: (440) 882-6779, or Washington office: (202) 225-3876. I also encourage you to visit our website at renacci.house.gov and subscribe to our FacebookTwitter, and  YouTube pages to get the latest updates on my work in Washington and Ohio's 16th District.

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