September 11, 2013 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Tim Bishop

OCE Referral Regaring Rep. Tim Bishop (PDF 14MB)

On July 13, 2013, the Office of Congressional Ethics transmitted a referral to the Committee on Ethics of the United States House of Representatives regarding Rep. Tim Bishop.

Nature of Review

In May 2012, Representative Bishop agreed to assist a constituent in obtaining the necessary approvals for a fireworks event at the constituent’s home.  Representative Bishop communicated personally with public officials with certain oversight in the approval process and also directed his congressional staff to make communications to facilitate the necessary processes to the benefit of the constituent.  Through an intermediary, Representative Bishop then requested a campaign contribution from the constituent.  The request was made in an email after highlighting his performance of official acts, previously conducted.  Representative Bishop continued to perform official acts and authorized requests for contributions.

Representative Bishop’s congressional campaign committee also reported receiving the contribution thirteen days prior to the actual date of the constituent’s contribution.  The report did not disclose the constituent’s company, or the constituent as the sole member of the company, as the source of the contribution.

If Representative Bishop sought a campaign contribution from a constituent because of or in connection with his performance of an official act, then he may have violated House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law.

If Representative Bishop did not take reasonable steps to ensure that his congressional campaign committee operated in compliance with federal campaign finance laws, then he may have violated House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the OCE recommended that the Committee on Ethics further review the allegation concerning whether Representative Bishop sought a campaign contribution because of or in connection with an official act, because there is a substantial reason to believe that a violation of House rules, standards of conduct and federal law occurred.

The Board of the OCE recommended that the Committee on Ethics further review the allegation concerning whether Representative Bishop took reasonable steps to ensure that his congressional campaign committee operated in compliance with federal campaign finance laws, because there is a substantial reason to believe that a violation of House rules, standards of conduct and federal law occurred.

Committee Conclusion

On September 11, 2013, the Committee on Ethics released a statement indicating it would continue to gather information necessary to complete its review.  The Committee published the OCE report and findings and announced the allegations would be further reviewed pursuant to Committee Rule 18(a).

Last Updated Wednesday, February 12, 2014