August 31, 2012 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Robert Andrews

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Robert Andrews (PDF 4.7MB)

On April 2, 2012, The Office of Congressional Ethics transmitted a referral to the Committee on Ethics of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Robert Andrews.

Nature of Review

Representative Robert Andrews may have improperly used congressional campaign and Leadership PAC funds to pay for a personal, family trip to Scotland in June 2011. Representative Andrews may have also improperly used congressional campaign funds to pay for various trips to Los Angeles in 2011 and for his daughter's graduation party in June 2011, among other potential personal uses.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics recommended that the Committee on Ethics further review the above allegations concerning Representative Andrews because there is a substantial reason to believe that he improperly used congressional campaign and Leadership PAC funds for personal use, in violation of House rules and federal law.

Committee Conclusion

On August 31, 2012, the Committee on Ethics released a statement indicating it would continue to gather information necessary to complete its review. The Committee published the OCE report and findings and announced the allegations would be further reviewed pursuant to the Committee Rule 18(a).

On March 19, 2013, the Committee on Ethics announced that it had voted to establish an Investigative Subcommittee in this matter.

Last Updated Wednesday, February 12, 2014