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  • Census

    As the Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives, Congressman McHenry is responsible for oversight of the 2010 Decennial Census. He is leading a non-partisan coalition against the Obama Administrati...

  • Crime, Drug Policy & the Courts

    Congressman McHenry is a member of the Congressional Caucus to Fight Methamphetamine, which works to stop the use and production of this dangerous drug. Congressman McHenry previously organized a conference with sheriffs and other law enforcement per...

  • Education, Worker Training & School Choice

    Now more than ever, quality education is vital to success in life. As our economy changes, we must provide the skills and training necessary to prepare today's workers and future generations for new technologies and developing industries. Congressman...

  • Environment

    As a sportsman, Congressman McHenry appreciates the natural beauty of the United States, and Western North Carolina is home to some of America’s most breathtaking scenery. It is important to provide adequate protections for our natural treasures. Con...

  • Federal Budget & Government Oversight

    The federal budget has been mismanaged for too long. President Bush did not adequately control non-defense discreationary spending. Under President Obama, the federal budget is spiraling dangerously out of control. Believing that government can simpl...

  • Energy Policy & Gas Prices

    Patrick McHenry has outlined a plan for a new American energy policy that is balanced between conserving energy, investing in alternative energy sources, and drilling for America’s abundant energy resources. One day, America will be powered by altern...

  • Healthcare

    Congressman McHenry believes that every American should have access to quality and affordable healthcare. However, a government-rationed healthcare system is not the answer. Healthcare decisions should be made by patients and their doctors, not gover...

  • Jobs, Economy & Financial Services

    Congressman McHenry’s top prioritiy is helping to rebuild the economy of Western North Carolina. Bad trade deals have been the cause of the significant job losses experienced in our region over the last 15 years. Patrick McHenry has voted against eve...

  • National Security

    The primary responsibility expressly outlined for the federal government in the Constitution is providing for national defense. Congress faces no greater duty than ensuring that members of our armed forces have the training, equipment, and funding ne...

  • Sanctity of Human Life

    The United States has always been a compassionate nation that cherishes innocent human life at all stages of development, from conception to natural death. Tragically, judicial activists on the Supreme Court manufactured an interpretation of the Cons...

  • Defense of Marriage & Traditional Values

    Congressman McHenry is a vocal and effective advocate for traditional values. In fact, the non-partisan National Journal publication rates Patrick McHenry as sharing the most conservative voting record in Congress on family values issues. The Family ...

  • Second Amendment

    Congressman McHenry strongly supports the Second Amendment to the Constitution. He has continually defended the rights of law-abiding citizens to purchase, use, and keep personal firearms. Congressman McHenry is a member of the National Rifle Associa...

  • Small Businesses

    Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy, creating more than 70% of all new jobs in the United States. Prior to serving in Congress, Patrick McHenry was a small businessman. He understands the issues that affect the success or failur...

  • Strengthening Social Security

    Patrick McHenry believes that every older and middle-aged American must receive the Social Security benefits to which they are entitled. Congressman McHenry has never voted for a cut in benefits and never voted to raise the retirement age. Social Sec...

  • Tax Relief

    Congressman McHenry believes in lowering the tax burden on American workers, families and small businesses. As a Member of Congress, and previously as a State Representative in North Carolina, he has never voted for a tax increase. That's why Patrick...

  • Trade Policy

    Few issues are more important to Western North Carolina than U.S. trade policy. International trade must be fair: When a foreign country’s industries export goods to the United States, we must require that they allow our American industries to have a...

  • Infrastructure & Transportation

    One of the key components of economic investment, development, and growth is adequate infrastructure, including roads and highways. Western North Carolina's infrastructure projects have historically been underfunded by the state and federal governmen...

  • Veterans Affairs

    A Veterans Administration (VA) clinic was first proposed in 1992 to improve the quality of health care for veterans of the Tenth District. Upon arriving in Congress in 2005, Patrick McHenry built bipartisan support to cut the bureaucratic red tape th...