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Hiring Our Heroes

Dec 31, 2012

VOW To Hire Heroes Act

In November 2011, Senate Democrats passed the VOW To Hire Heroes Act, a comprehensive employment, job training and tax credit package that addresses the rising challenge of veterans' unemployment.  The VOW To Hire Heroes Act provides up to $5,600 in tax credits to businesses that hire unemployed veterans, as well as up to a $9,600 credit for hiring unemployed veterans with service-connected disabilities.  The law also expands education and training opportunities for older veterans by providing 100,000 unemployed veterans of past wars with up to one-year of additional Montgomery GI benefits towards education or training programs at community colleges or technical schools. 


Veteran Skills to Jobs Act

In July 2012, Senate Democrats passed the Veteran Skills to Jobs Act to cut the red tape that has prevented highly skilled veterans with experience in combat arms, motor transport, and as medical technicians from quickly obtaining civilian licenses. The law requires federal agencies to recognize relevant military training and skills when certifying veterans - expediting their transition to promising careers.