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Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Get Involved

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Washington, DC, Oct 1 | comments
Breast Cancer affects both men and women. Get involved. There are many groups throughout our state dedicated to breast cancer awareness, advocacy and prevention. They can provide detailed breast cancer information, locations of support groups, referrals to medical facilities and telephone counseling with breast cancer survivors.
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Dear Friend,

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and it is important to me that every Iowan understands just how serious breast cancer can be.

The message of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is clear: early detection of breast cancer followed by prompt treatment saves lives.

Breast cancer is the leading form of cancer in women in the United States, and according to the American Cancer Society, it will strike an estimated 232,670 women this year. With numbers like this, it is likely that many of us will, or already have been, personally affected by this horrific disease. Most people don't know that it threatens both the women and men in our lives, our mothers, our wives, our sisters, our daughters, our fathers, our husbands, our sons, and our friends.
Statistics show that women living in North America have the highest rate of breast cancer in the world, yet with each passing year more women than ever are able to claim that they are breast cancer survivors. In fact, if it is detected early, the breast cancer survival rate is as high as 93 percent.

Although a way to prevent the disease remains unknown, as previously mentioned statistics indicate, early detection is the key to survival. Through the many billions of dollars committed each year through federal and private funds for research and prevention efforts, there continues to be very promising news and developments regarding the fight against breast cancer. However, despite this promising news, thousands of our loved ones continue to battle this horrific disease that strikes both their bodies and their souls.

The best methods of early detection and survival of breast cancer are self-examination and mammograms, yet only half of women age 40 and older in the United States have regular screenings and mammograms. Women in their 20s and 30s should have a clinical breast exam (CBE) as part of a periodic (regular) health exam by a health professional, at least every 3 years. After age 40, women should have a breast exam by a health professional every year. These exams can reveal breast cancer up to two years before it can be found in a self-examination. While Iowans are known to be, on average, healthier than most Americans, there are still 40 percent of women over 40 in Iowa who do not get mammograms. We have a long way to go.

And that begs the question: How can you help?        
American Cancer Society Iowa

Get involved.There are many groups throughout our state dedicated to breast cancer awareness, advocacy and prevention. They can provide detailed breast cancer information, locations of support groups, referrals to medical facilities and telephone counseling with breast cancer survivors. They can also tell you about low-cost or free mammography programs. In fact, since the last National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I've personally sat down with the Iowa Breast Cancer Advocacy Network, the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation, and Iowa representatives from the One Voice Against Cancer Foundation.

I've helped my colleagues in Congress find ways to support research into the causes of breast cancer so that, hopefully, we can find a cure and eradicate it. This year, I have cosponsored the Accelerating the End of Breast Cancer Act.

While these organizations, along with the American Cancer Society and the National Institutes of Health, look for a cure, I urge you to help support those with breast cancer in your own communities by volunteering your time, helping to raise money or by simply giving a donation, we can come together to find an end to breast cancer.

My hope and prayer is that someday we will have the ability to eliminate all forms of cancer. Until then, we must take charge of our health through early detection and treatment.

So remind those you love to take charge of their health, perform regular self-examinations and get check-ups that include mammograms.


Best Wishes,

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