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Republicans Continue to Ignore Working Families but Line Up to Defend Koch Brothers

Apr 30, 2014

Today, Senate Republicans blocked debate on a bill that would raise the minimum wage for millions of Americans. The American people overwhelmingly support raising the minimum wage. Democrats will keep fighting for bills to give working families a fair shot. We hope Republicans will join us.


Bloomberg: Minimum Wage Increase Blocked by Republicans in Senate: "U.S. Senate Republicans blocked legislation to raise the federal minimum wage as the chamber's Democrats pledged to hold more votes on the measure before November's election." [Bloomberg, 4/30/14]

CNN: GOP Blocks Minimum Wage Bill In Senate: "Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a top legislative and political priority of Democrats, a bill to increase the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour." [CNN, 4/30/14]

Los Angeles Times: Senate Republicans Block Democrats' Paycheck Fairness Bill: "With sought-after women voters at stake, Senate Republicans blocked election-year legislation Wednesday aimed at ensuring that female workers receive equal pay for doing the same work as men." [LA Times, 4/9/14]

Associated Press: Democrats' Bill For Veterans Blocked In Senate By GOP: "A divided Senate on Thursday derailed Democratic legislation that would have provided $21 billion for medical, education and job-training benefits for the nation's veterans." [AP, 2/28/14]

Politico: Republicans Derail Senate Veterans Bill: "Senate Republicans on Thursday derailed a sweeping $21 billion bill that would have expanded medical, educational and other benefits for veterans - in another chapter of the ongoing feud over amendments, spending and new sanctions on Iran." [Politico, 2/28/14]


Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY): "Instead of focusing on jobs, he launched into another confusing attack on the left's latest bizarre obsession," McConnell said Tuesday, referring to Reid's comments about the Koch brothers on the Senate floor on Monday. [The Hill, 4/8/14]

NRSC Chairman Jerry Moran (R-KS): "In Kansas, there's a company called Koch Industries that is a component of our state, its economy, and many, several thousand, Kansans work there. And unfortunately in the political discourse of our country, Koch Industries, its owners, are often subject to attack." [Floor Remarks, 4/3/14; Huffington Post, 4/3/14]

Senate Republican Policy Committee Chairman John Barrasso (R-WV): "I disagree with his views, but I would never come to the floor of the Senate and denounce him as un-American. But that is exactly what the majority leader, Senator Reid, has done, repeatedly coming to the floor to criticize and demonize people who do not share his views." [Floor Remarks, 4/29/14]

Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS): "Reid, Roberts says 'has a fixation with the Koch family that can only be described as bizarre, takes to the floor on an almost daily basis to attack them. Why? Because he fears they pose a threat to his hold on power.'" [Politico, 4/30/14]

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): "Madam President, I rise today to address the idea of raising the Federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $10.10 an hour. But first I wish to spend a few moments talking about the state of the Senate and why the latest push for a higher Federal minimum wage isn't an issue that appears to be driven by solving the underlying economic problems our Nation faces. Over the past few weeks, the Senate majority leader has relished in making personal attacks on two private citizens, David and Charles Koch, on this Senate floor. He has used the Senate floor for the purpose of attempting to assassinate their character." [Floor Remarks, 4/29/14]

Sen. David Vitter (R-LA): "I'll be honest with you: My reaction is God bless the Koch brothers," Vitter said. "They're fighting for our freedoms." [Washington Post, 3/20/14]

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA): Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said Reid's contention that "Koch is an organized as an S corporation and so pays no corporate-level taxes" is misleading because "no S corporation pays corporate taxes. "It's misleading to suggest that someone doesn't pay corporate taxes when the tax structure is organized to pay individual taxes, not corporate taxes," Grassley said. [Washington Examiner, 4/10/14]