Caucus Membership

Congressional Caucuses are formed by Members of Congress to provide a forum for issues or legislative agendas. A number of caucuses exist in the House of Representatives and their primary function is to draw attention to issues of importance to their membership. Since joining Congress, Ron has founded and lead several caucuses, some of which are listed below. In addition, he participates in a number of others.

Congressional Organic Caucus: founder and co-chair
National Parks Caucus: founder and co-chair
Quality Care Coalition: founder and co-chair
Upper Mississippi River Basin Congressional Task Force: founder and co-chair
Wellness Caucus: founder and co-chair

House Rural Health Care Coalition (RHCC): co-chair
Congressional Caucus on the European Union: co-chair
Congressional Fitness Caucus: co-chair
Congressional Native American Caucus: vice chair
Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus: member and former co-chair
New Democrat Coaltion: vice chair
Task Force on Childhood Obesity: co-chair
House Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus: vice chair

Congressional 21st Century Health Care Caucus
Congressional Caucus on the Mississippi River
Community College Caucus
Congressional Dairy Farmers Caucus
Congressional Rural Caucus
Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus
House Manufacturing Caucus
House Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education Caucus
Rural Veterans Caucus