Health Care

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We must ensure that the quality of health care afforded to our citizens remains the best in the world.   Doctors and patients should make decisions, not Washington bureaucrats..   My first act as a new Member of Congress was to introduce H.R. 2, the Repeal the Job Killing Health Care Act.  This bill will repeal ObamaCare’s massive trillion dollar government takeover of almost one-fifth of the US economy.

I am committed to repealing Obamacare.  Since it is unlikely the President will sign a bill that will repeal his signature legislative achievement, I have also co-sponsored legislation that seeks to defund Obamacare and delays its implementation.  Additionally, I co-sponsored legislation that was signed by the President to repeal the onerous 1099 filing requirement that would have required every small business to file a report with the IRS for every person or company it does over $600 of business with a year.  This is an example of my commitment to finding and ending unfair and overreaching government bureaucracy and changing how Washington does business.

Further, I have co-sponsored legislation that prohibits government funding for abortions and repeals the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), a panel of unelected bureaucrats that seeks to determine what type of care patients receive and who can (and cannot) receive it.   I have also co-signed on to legislation that seeks to make health insurance more affordable for all Americans by controlling costs and ending frivolous lawsuits.    

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