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H. Res. 1755
Full Year CR with Senate Food Safety Bill
Majority Meeting Notice
Bill Text
House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R. 3082 (Full Year CR and Senate Food Safety bill)
Note: The list of amendments and their disposition are not the official record of the Committee on Rules.
For the official list, see the
Committee on Rules Majority's Web Site
Rule Number:
H.Res. 1755
Rule Type:
Providing for the Consideration of Senate Amendments
Rule Summary:
1. Provides for the consideration of the Senate amendment to H.R. 3082.
2. Makes in order a motion by the chair of the Committee on Appropriations that the House
concur in the Senate amendment with the amendment printed in the report of the Committee
on Rules accompanying this resolution.
3. Provides one hour of debate on the motion, with 40 minutes equally divided and controlled by
the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations and 20 minutes
equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee
on Energy and Commerce.
4. Waives all points of order against consideration of the motion.
5. Provides that the Senate amendment and the motion shall be considered as read.
Rule Text:
H.Res. 1755
H.Rept. 111-675
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Committee on Rules - Republicans
U.S. House of Representatives
1627 Longworth Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
PHONE: (202) 225-9191
FAX: (202) 225-6763