0 <font size="-1" , face="Arial" ,"Helvetica">National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare

GO TO: Medicare HOME | Schedule of Meetings

Schedule of Task Force Meetings

Meetings of the Modeling Task Force

The Modeling Task Force is analyzing the challenges facing the Medicare program and the program's sensitivity to external forces.
<font size="-1" , face="Arial" ,"Helvetica">Modeling Task Force Members*

J. Robert Kerrey

James McDermott

Deborah Steelman

Laura D'Andrea Tyson

Bruce Vladeck

Meetings of the Reform Task Force

The Reform Task Force is looking for innovative solutions to improve the current Medicare program.

<font size="-1" , face="Arial" ,"Helvetica">Reform Task Force Members*

Michael Bilirakis

Colleen Conway-Welch

John Dingell

Illene Gordon

John D. Rockefeller, IV

Meetings of the Restructuring Task Force

The Restructuring Task Force is examining ways to structure Medicare.

<font size="-1" , face="Arial" ,"Helvetica">Restructuring Task Force Members*

Stuart Altman

Bill Frist

Phil Gramm

Samuel Howard

Anthony Watson

*Chairmen Breaux and Thomas are members of all task forces.

Meetings of the Graduate Medical Education (GME) Study Group

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