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National Bipartisan Medicare Commission
To Meet April 20-21

WASHINGTON (April 2) -- The 17-member National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare will meet in Washington, D.C., for two days, April 20-21, to define the problems facing Medicare and to hear from top experts about the future threats to Medicare's solvency, Sen. John Breaux (D-La.) and Rep. Bill Thomas (R-Calif.) announced today.

The meeting will be held in two sessions, each of which will feature public testimony. The first session will be held the afternoon of April 20 and is scheduled to begin at 1 o'clock. The second session will be held on the morning of April 21 and is scheduled to begin at 8:30. The meeting will be held at a Capitol Hill location, which will be announced shortly.

Both sessions will feature testimony from witnesses about the problems Medicare will face as 77 million "Baby Boomers" begin entering the program in the year 2010. A list of witnesses and their scheduled times for testimony will be issued when all the witnesses have been scheduled.

The 17-member bipartisan commission on Medicare was created by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 and is charged with examining the long-term financial condition of Medicare, identifying threats to the program's solvency, and making comprehensive reform recommendations to the Congress and the Administration by March 1999.


Media Contacts:
Rusty Jabour, Bipartisan Commission
Bette Phelan, Sen. Breaux
Jason Poblete, Rep. Thomas

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