National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare
What's New

Final Breaux-Thomas Medicare Reform Proposal

Staff Cost Estimate of the Final Breaux-Thomas Proposal

Index of Other Medicare Documents

Commission News

Commission Proceedings

About the Commission

Fact Sheet

Today, nearly 40 million Americans rely on Medicare for their health care.

As the number of new Medicare beneficiaries rises sharply, there will be significantly fewer workers per retiree to fund Medicare. (click here or on the graph for more information)


<font size="-1" , face="Arial" ,"Helvetica">Sen. John Breaux
Statutory Chairman
<font size="-1" , face="Arial" ,"Helvetica">Rep. Bill Thomas
Administrative Chairman
<font size="-1" , face="Arial" ,"Helvetica">Bobby P. Jindal
Executive Director