







Requesting Assistance

Note: The Legislative Counsel’s Office accepts requests for assistance from Senate members and staff only. Members of the public should contact their representatives in Congress.

Requests for assistance from the Office may be made by letter (addressed to SD-668), by telephone (x46461), by fax (x40567), or by a visit to the Office (room 668 of the Dirksen Building, in the hallway parallel to Constitution Avenue). In order to provide assistance in an effective manner, the Office suggests the following:

  • Clear and Complete Statement of Policy: A request for assistance should provide the Office a statement of the problem and policy underlying a request that is as clear and complete as possible. This will enable the attorney assisting the Member or committee to have a thorough understanding of both the factual and legal setting of the problem to which the legislation is directed and the policy to be carried out by the legislation.
  • Responsible Staff Member: A written request for assistance should be accompanied by the name and telephone number of the staff member who has primary responsibility for responding to questions concerning the policy and other issues arising in the drafting process.
  • Telephone Before Visiting: Before visiting the Office, please telephone the Office in order to ensure that an attorney familiar with the subject matter of the request is available to discuss the matter.
  • Deadlines: If the assistance requested needs to be provided by a particular time or before a particular event, the request for assistance should clearly state a reasonable deadline for the assistance.

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