
The House Appropriations Committee is responsible for writing legislation that allocates funding to federal agencies and departments. The Committee has jurisdiction over the 12 annual spending bills and controls one-third of the federal government’s $3 trillion budget. Because of his reputation for tough oversight and tenacity in holding federal agencies and Department heads accountable for excessive spending and growth, Rogers was selected as Chairman of the full House Appropriations Committee at the beginning of the 112th Congress.

Chairman Rogers’ focus is on reducing the size and scope of the government by reining in federal spending, conducting rigorous but thoughtful oversight of federal agencies, and restoring fiscal discipline and regular order to our budget process. As such, the Appropriations Committee has been front and center in restoring austerity and transparency to the discretionary portion of our federal expenditures. In his first year as Chairman, Rogers led the Committee and Congress in historic discretionary spending reductions- cutting spending by some $95 billion compared to FY10.

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Click here to visit the U.S. House Appropriations Website for more information.