NEW HAVEN, CT—Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-3) decried today’s World Trade Organization (WTO) compliance ruling against U.S. country-of-origin (COOL) meat labeling policies. The United States could face large trade sanctions unless the Obama administration weakens a popular consumer information program. The U.S. has one chance to appeal this decision before the WTO issues a final, binding ruling.

“Accurate information is essential in a competitive, free market and COOL provides consumers with essential information about the origin of their food. If this ruling stands U.S. ranchers will not be able to differentiate their products with a U.S. label and consumers will not have the information they need at the point of purchase.”

DeLauro, a former Chairwoman of the subcommittee responsible for funding the Agriculture Department, strongly believes that American consumers have a right to know the origins of their food. In January she urged United States Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to implement and enforce strong country-of-origin meat labeling standards.

Congress mandated country-of-origin meat labeling in the 2008 Farm Bill, which DeLauro played a key role in passing. A recent poll put COOL’s support among the U.S. public at 92 percent.
