NEW HAVEN, CT—Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-3) released the following statement marking World Food Day, which is observed on October 16 as a day of action against hunger. The 2014 theme of World Food Day is “Family Farming: Feeding the World, Caring for the Earth,” as 2014 is also the International Year of Family Farming.

“World Hunger Day is an important day when millions of people come together to declare their commitment to ending hunger. I have and will continue to work hard to address to this important issue that affects families in Connecticut, across the United States, and around the world.

“In my district, nearly one in seven households live with the stress of not knowing if they can afford enough food to feed their families every day. There are severe problems related to hunger and poverty in New Haven; nearly one third of residents in our city are food insecure. That is simply a polite way of saying they are hungry. This is unacceptable, and I will continue to push for better benefits and a more secure safety net for children and families across America who are fighting hunger.

“Family farmers play an important role in ending hunger. Investment in innovative agriculture will help us both grow highly nutritious food year round and support our family farmers. We have seen how this benefits Connecticut families, with an increasing number of family farms using cutting-edge techniques to make more food, increase their output, and help feed our families.”
