Attends White House Ceremony as President Obama Signs Bill Modernizing Workforce Investment


WASHINGTON, DC—Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro issued the following statement today applauding a series of new steps announced by the Obama Administration to put Americans back to work. She also joined the President at a White House signing ceremony earlier today as he signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, which DeLauro voted for when it passed the House of Representatives earlier this month. DeLauro’s full remarks from her July 9 speech on the House floor can be found here.


“I was honored to be at the White House today as President Obama signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act into law. The programs being modernized by this bill are critical job training programs that help unemployed and under-employed Americans find work and get back on their feet.


“One of the most important investments we make is the investment in American workers. So I was pleased to see the President and Vice President announce their Ready to Work initiative, and its focus on ensuring Americans are able to fill the good jobs that are out there. I will continue to work with Connecticut’s outstanding businesses, educators and job training centers to ensure everyone who wants a job can find one.”  


DeLauro is the senior Democrat on the subcommittee responsible for funding the Department of Labor, which allocates funds to local workforce boards for programs authorized under the Workforce Investment Act. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act reauthorized and modernized those critical job training programs.