Stratford-made Helicopters Support Our Troops and CT workforce


WASHINGTON, DC—Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) released the following statement today applauding news the Air Force has awarded a contract for 112 H-60 (Combat Rescue) helicopters to Stratford, CT-based Sikorsky. The Air Force announced their intent to award this contract in March.  DeLauro spoke with Air Force Assistant Secretary for Acquisition Dr. William LaPlante about the contract this afternoon. Today’s announcement is worth $1.3 billion and is the first installment of a contract worth as much as $7.9 billion. Work will go to the Stratford facility, as well as a Sikorsky location in Florida. 


“The combat rescue helicopters are critical life-saving assets that the Air Force has needed for years to replace its current fleet of worn down aircraft.  This contract is good news for the long-term security of Sikorsky’s status in Connecticut and I am pleased to have played a role in making it happen. But the biggest congratulations go the talented and hard-working employees at Sikorsky who did the hard work that won this contract. There are no better helicopters in the world, and there are no better people to make them.”


Last December, DeLauro led a bipartisan letter of 74 representatives in support of the Combat Rescue Helicopter program.  A month earlier she had led a bipartisan letter to the House Appropriations Committee supporting funding for the program, ultimately included in the Fiscal Year 2014 spending law.