WASHINGTON, DC—Congresswomen Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) today voted for legislation funding the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2015. That bill, approved by the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, contains an amendment authored by DeLauro that strengthens the ban on Defense Department (DOD) contracts with Rosoboronexport. DeLauro’s amendment was approved by a voice vote.


DeLauro has led congressional opposition to DOD’s relationship with Rosoboronexport, the Russian state arms dealer. That opposition led to the Pentagon canceling a planned future purchase of helicopters from Rosoboronexport.


“Since 2011, the Defense Department has awarded Russia’s arms exporter, Rosoboronexport, more than $1 billion in no-bid contracts to buy 63 Russian helicopters for the Afghan National Security Forces that the Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction reported the Afghan do not have the capability to operate or maintain. We must stop supporting Russian jobs and the Russian interest and start acting in America’s interest and on behalf of America’s workers.”


The amendment would prevent the Pentagon from contracting or subcontracting for helicopters or other weapons with Rosoboronexport. If the Secretary of Defense waives the ban, he must certify the firm is no longer delivering weapons to Syria and Russia is no longer destabilizing Ukraine. He must also certify there are no alternative contracting options to meet mission requirements. The Pentagon’s Inspector General is required to investigate any waiver use. DeLauro sponsored an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) last month with similar language. That amendment was unanimously approved and part of the NDAA as passed by the House of Representatives.