WASHINGTON, DC—Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) released the following statement today applauding President Barack Obama’s announcement that the White House will hold a Summit on Working Families. Throughout her career, DeLauro has fought for policies that help working women and their families. She has authored many such pieces of legislation, including the Paycheck Fairness Act, Healthy Families Act and Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act. DeLauro has also played a key role in developing and championing When Women Succeed, America Succeeds: An Economic Agenda for Women and Families, which includes the aforementioned pieces of legislation.


“I applaud President Obama for announcing this summit and look forward to discussing the challenges facing women in the workplace. When women earn less money, are unable to take time to care for themselves or a sick family member, or cannot afford quality child care, the impact reaches far beyond them. Their spouses, children, fathers, mothers and extended families suffer as well. It has a negative effect on the entire economy. I look forward to developing a plan to ensure women succeed, and America succeeds on June 23.”


DeLauro was among those meeting with the President at the White House and were present for his announcement of the White House Summit on Working Families. The Women’s Economic Agenda was launched by DeLauro and the House Democratic Caucus last July, 165 years after the Seneca Falls Convention. The Agenda stands on the shoulders of what was accomplished at Seneca Falls by addressing the economic challenges facing women and families today.


It has three main components:

·         Pay (paycheck fairness, increasing the minimum wage, investing in job training)

·         Work/Family Balance (paid sick leave, paid and expanded family and medical leave)

·         Child Care (affordable and quality child care, expanding the Child Care Tax Credit)