Highlights Need To Increase the Federal Minimum Wage


WASHINGTON, DC—Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) released the following statement today welcoming President Obama to Connecticut. The President spoke on the importance of increasing the federal minimum wage, which DeLauro strongly supports.


“The federal minimum wage is long overdue for a raise. Its failure to keep pace with inflation continues to hurt our economy and hard-working families who have seen their incomes stagnate even as prices—on everything from gas, food, college, to health care—have increased. I am proud that Connecticut has been leading the way, with a higher minimum wage than most of the nation. But we, and the rest of the nation, must do more. Increasing the minimum wage to $10.10 would lift wages for about 200,000 Connecticut residents. It is long past time to get this done and ensure everyone can make a decent paycheck for a hard day’s work.”