Includes Added Sugar Requirement She Has Long Advocated


WASHINGTON, DC—Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) released the following statement today applauding the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s proposed update to nutrition labels. The labels, which have not been significantly changed in twenty years, will now identify how much added sugar is in a product, which DeLauro has long advocated for. She is the former chairwoman of the subcommittee responsible for funding the FDA.


“When added sugars are hidden amongst other ingredients consumers may not be aware of the total amount of sugar in the food they purchase and consume. Providing consumers with a more accurate representation of the amount of added sugars in food products will enable more informed dietary decisions. This modification will indicate to consumers the relative amount of added sugars in their food options and bring nutrition facts labeling in line with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. These updates are long overdue and I applaud the FDA for finally making them happen.”