WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-3), standing with a majority of Americans, has taken her own symbolic stand for marriage equality as a participant of the fourth ever NOH8 On The Hill photo event. DeLauro, posing with NOH8’s iconic face tattoo and duct tape, joined 15 representatives and five senators--in support of marriage equality and equal rights for all Americans. The picture can be viewed here.


The portraits, taken on Capitol Hill late last year, were released by NOH8 Campaign co-founders Adam Bouska and Jeff Parshley on Valentine’s Day. The lawmakers, including DeLauro, join more than 120 Members of Congress who have participated in NOH8 On The Hill events over the past three years.


"Barring LGBT Americans from marriage violates the values we hold dear—justice, freedom and equality,” DeLauro said. “It makes no difference who someone loves, and denying them the same rights as heterosexual couples is just plain wrong. I am proud to join my colleagues and NOH8 in spreading this message."


Last year’s event saw 70 Members of Congress participate, while 26 Members participated in 2012 and ten Members participated in the first event in 2010.


“This year’s event really showed how far we have come in so short a time,” NOH8 co-founder and photographer Adam Bouska said. “Equality and freedom appear to be highly contagious.”  


The NOH8 On The Hill portraits feature members of Congress wearing duct tape over their mouths to symbolize the voices of equality being silenced by laws like DOMA and California’s Proposition 8, both of which were overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court last year. In addition, the NOH8 face tattoo symbolizes solidarity with others standing up for equality.