About Green Book

Since 1981, the Committee on Ways and Means has published the Green Book, which presents background material and statistical data on the major entitlement programs and other activities within the Committee's jurisdiction. Over the decades, the Green Book has become a valuable resource and standard reference on American social policy. It is widely used by Members of Congress and their staffs, analysts in congressional and administrative agencies, members of the media, scholars, and citizens interested in the Nation's social policy.

For many years, the Green Book was a published report but, beginning in 2011, has been exclusively web-based. Its central feature is a selection of Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports made available for this purpose by the Committee. Each chapter includes an introduction and overview, selected CRS reports, a set of tables and figures, a legislative history, and links to additional resources. The Green Book website features the current edition and also includes an archive of previous versions, going back to 1996. The Green Book is prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) under the direction of Committee staff.

Tax provisions are not included in the Green Book; however, readers are referred to the series of volumes entitled Tax Expenditures: Compendium of Background Material on Individual Provisions, prepared by CRS for the Senate Budget Committee and available on the Budget Committee’s website.