
Your Opinion Matters

As your Member of Congress, it is important to me to hear from you and others across the 6th Congressional District regarding important issues before the House of Representatives.  To this end, I hope that you will take my survey below.  Also, please check the box to sign up for my weekly email newsletters where I share how I am serving you.

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Today, there are 387 bills passed by the House of Representatives that are stuck in the Democrat-controlled Senate. I am looking forward to the start of a new Congress in 2015 with Republican majorities in both chambers that can work together end gridlock and send commonsense legislation straight to President Obama’s desk. Take a look at some of the initiatives that House Republicans have already been working on below and tell me what YOU think should be our first priority in the new year!

Approving the KeystoneXL Pipeline

Reforming our broken tax code

Protecting Americans from Obamacare

Restructuring the government rulemaking process (i.e., the REINS Act)
