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This domain is the most recognizable and well known sector of Unmanned Systems. This industry experienced rapid advancement in technology while fighting our nation’s wars overseas. Many people often view this industry as completely focused on the Department of Defense, rather than the broad stakeholders who use these systems. more »


This domain is rapidly expanding. This is arguably one of most broad sectors in unmanned systems when you consider everything from unexploded bomb detectors to completely autonomous cars driving on the road.  more »


The unmanned maritime industry is continuing its success and finding new applications for its research and development. We expect to see significant growth in underwater applications by both civilian and defense industries. more »

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Welcome from the Co-Chairs

About the

Co-Chairman McKeon image

Buck McKeon
Rep. McKeon is helping to educate members of Congress and the public on the strategic, tactical, and scientific value of UAVs... more>>

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Co-Chairman Cuellar image

Henry Cuellar
In 2010, the House Homeland Security Committee appointed him as the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Border, Maritime and Global Counterterrorism. more>>

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