GOP Doctors Caucus Launches Golden Stethoscope Challenge

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Washington, Nov 22, 2011 | Amy Larkin (202.225.2931) | comments

The GOP Doctors Caucus is excited to launch a new monthly challenge encouraging Members and their constituents to participate in a health care discussion. At the end of each month, the Member engaging in the most dialogue will receive the prized Golden Stethoscope.

December Golden Stethoscope Challenge Action Items

  • Post three tweets and facebook posts per week on Obamacare or GOP health care issue
  • Post at least one blog post per month on Obamacare or GOP health care issue
  • Give at least one floor speech on Obamacare or GOP health care issue per month
  • Participate in at least one special order on Obamacare or GOP health care issue per month. Bonus points will be awarded to Members who organize a special order.
  • Complete at least two radio or television interviews on Obamacare or GOP health care issue per month
  • Create two constituent communications (e-newsletter, YouTube Q&A video) per month focusing on Obamacare or GOP health care issue
  • At the end of each month, e-mail a word document of your submissions to