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Social Issues

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I believe it is important that America preserve the traditional moral and family values that our country was founded upon and which are the underlying influence in successful, healthy communities, States, and Nations. As President Ronald Reagan said, “It is a time to recommit ourselves to the concept of family – a concept that must withstand the trends of lifestyle and legislation.”

My consistent support for conservative values is evident in my voting record, and I will continue to support the beliefs shared by the majority of the 4th District of Texas.

Second Amendment Rights

  • 2nd Amendment Legislation I Co-sponsor

Defense of Marriage Act

  • Recent Supreme Court Rulings on DOMA
  • Current Administration’s Actions against DOMA
  • 113th Congress Defense of Marriage Legislation I Co-sponsor

Pro-Life Legislation

  • Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
  • “Obamacare” and Abortion Funding
  • 113th Congress Pro-Life Legislation I Co-sponsor