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Slow Economic Recovery

http://www.house.gov/brady/images/er.jpgOur Economy's slow recovery is a concern to all Americans, because our anemic recovery still hasn't created enough jobs to replace those we lost in the Great Recession. 

As Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, I closely monitor America's jobs situation.

A recent report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is fresh proof that President Obama’s economic policies are failing.

According to the CBO, slowing economic growth will cause the unemployment rate to rise during this year and the next. This dismal forecast shows that the President’s policies aren’t working.

CBO projects real GDP growth of only 2.0% in 2012 and 1.1% in 2013.  Equally as troubling, CBO projects that the national unemployment rate will rise to 8.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2012 and jump to 9.2 percent in the fourth quarter of 2013. Under CBO’s economic projections, employment will not reach the pre-recession peak until early 2015.  This is unacceptable for hardworking taxpayers who deserve better from their government.

Moreover, the sea of red ink the federal government compiled since President Obama took office in 2009 continues unabated to a projected $1.08 trillion for 2012. If CBO’s projections prove correct this will mark the fourth consecutive year the deficit has exceeded $1 trillion. We have to unplug the Washington spending machine.  By 2022, CBO estimates that nearly 4 out of every 5 dollars the federal government spends on programs will be spent without a single vote in Congress or a single signature of the President. We have to bring responsibility back to the process of spending hardworking taxpayers’ money and take the spending machine off of auto-pilot.

I have introduced a plan that would add help bring spending into line with future revenue projections. Click here for more information about that plan, the MAP Act. For a brief explanation of that document, see "A balanced approach to reducing the deficit" by Kevin Brady