Rep. John Lewis on World AIDS Day

Dec 1, 2014 Issues: Healthcare

                WASHINGTON—Rep. John Lewis celebrates the commitment of mayors from around the world who met in Paris today and pledged to eradicate AIDS in their cities.  The initiative, spearheaded by the United Nations, the founder of World AIDS Day, aims at ridding the planet of the AIDS epidemic by 2030.  Also a goal was set to make 90 percent of the people living with AIDS to know their status, 90 percent of those who know their status to seek treatment, and  90 percent in treatment to live in the best health possible and reduce the risk of transmission of the disease and reduce the transmission of the disease.

United Nations Secretary General Ban-Ki moon said in his address today that eradicating the AIDS epidemic will require "social justice, the democratization of society, gender equity and a people-centered approach to health," according to the UN News Centre.  Rep. John Lewis made these comments in response to this rededication.

“I am glad to hear that the U.S. federal government has been doing its part to help nations meet the oppressive demand of the HIV/AIDS pandemic”, said Rep. John Lewis.  “Only 20 years ago, a diagnosis of AIDS was considered a death sentence.  Today because the U.S. government united its efforts with those of nations around the world, we are beginning to make some progress.  And if we continue working together as a world community and use the advances in scientific research effectively, maybe one day this disease will become as rare as small pox is today.”

“A virus does not discriminate.  It does not respect rich or poor, race or creed, religion or nationality. That is why we must put aside any fear or reservation we may have and do all we can to help each other, wherever we may find the sick and the suffering.  Through unity and an enduring respect for the dignity of all humankind together we can bring an end to this disease together.”

