Committee Assignments

Senator Pryor serves on the Senate Appropriations Committee, a committee that allows him a hand in prioritizing how taxpayer dollars are spent. As Chairman of the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, Pryor plays a key role in crafting legislation that will benefit the agricultural sector, Arkansas’s top industry.

Businesses – small and large alike – are struggling with the challenges of today’s economy while also looking to compete globally in the future. As a member of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, Senator Pryor understands these committees can be vital to their success. These committees allow him to shape legislation involving interstate commerce, transportation, consumer protection, technology and research and development. He has used these committees in the past to overhaul product safety laws, promote broadband expansion, strengthen small business start-up and assistance programs, advance content filtering technology, improve fuel economy standards and curb identity theft. As Chairman of the Communications, Technology, and Internet Subcommittee, Pryor is continuing to build on these initiatives in order to create new opportunities for economic growth.

Pryor will also continue his work on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, where he has concentrated on ensuring officials at all levels of government and private companies are working together in times of need. He will continue to improve our nation’s homeland security efforts while increasing oversight on government spending and productivity.Pryor also serves on the Senate Ethics Committee and the Committee on Rules and Administration, which provides oversight of the Senate rules and regulations.