Jobs & Economy

Jobs & Economy

We can strengthen America’s economic recovery and create jobs by embracing the strategies that have worked in the Commonwealth. I served as Governor of Virginia during the worst recession since the Great Depression.  Throughout my term, we maintained one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation and recruited several of the largest businesses in the country to move their headquarters to Virginia from other states.  During my tenure as Governor, Virginia was named  the Best State for Business in America.

I understand how to help businesses be competitive in a globalized marketplace. Through a competitive corporate tax code that rewards companies for creating jobs in America, investing in talent at home and welcoming it from abroad, we can maintain our role as the economic center of the world. There are important ways to strengthen our workforce throughout the Commonwealth, which is why I helped found the Senate Career and Technical Education (CTE) Caucus to ensure that students can acquire the technical skills to enjoy productive and successful careers upon graduating.

In the Senate, I have called for the promotion and fostering of innovation, which is critical to growth and economic stability. I have worked to support small businesses and pursued opportunities to help them expand and increase profitability, as well as leverage our community banks to provide the capital entrepreneurs need for success. I was proud to work with a bipartisan group of Virginia officials to support Martinsville and Henry County in their efforts to secure a permit for the Commonwealth Crossing Business Centre and bring jobs to the region, and I am very pleased we broke ground on the project this spring.

Virginia has served as a model for the nation by prioritizing investments in education and workforce training, as well as embracing global trade, which led to the international expansion of Virginia businesses.

I also support giving minimum-wage workers in Virginia a raise and a chance at economic mobility, because no family working full time should live under the poverty level. Additionally, I have strongly supported the extension of emergency unemployment insurance benefits because it strengthens our economy and protects Virginians who are looking for jobs and trying to get back to work.


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