
I am committed to expanding educational opportunities for all Americans and preparing them to succeed in a global economy.

As a father of two public school students, I believe that all children deserve an opportunity to benefit from a great public education. In the U.S. House of Representatives, I was proud to support the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, which provided funding for states to develop innovative early learning standards and hire qualified and well-compensated childhood development professionals.

Earning a college degree shouldn't be a luxury, but something that every American family can afford, which is why in the Senate I have cosponsored legislation to keep federal student loan interest rates low. Investing in education improves job opportunities, increases lifetime earnings, and is essential to our nation's economic competitiveness.

As the only engineer in the Senate, I know that a solid education in science, technology, and mathematics are pivotal in driving our country’s global competitiveness.

I will continue to work to ensure higher education is affordable and within reach for every student in New Mexico, and that educators have the resources, training, and support they need to help students succeed.  
